Title: Art Key


Innovation: Reduction of the innovations to red and the known information to yellow in a graphic with five symbols, known to everyone, for the formula of " art". The red/yellow cross is the symbiosis for works of art with art-historical innovations. 

Innovation: Converting the Hegel dialectic into graphic symbols 

Innovation Liedtke: Cognitive art formula application by the viewer leads to new neuronal creativity networks and synapses in the brain of the recipient (see current neurobiological research results).  

Innovation Technique: Digital print as a one-of-a-kind size/original artwork with Dieter Liedtke's DNA in the red colour. 

Working years of the series from: 1988 -  

Year of work: 2021 

Signature: Liedtke 

Material: Acrylic paint, canvas on stretcher frame 

Artist: Dieter Liedtke 

Dimensions: 200cm X 120cm 

Series name: Art Formula 

Innovation of the series: art key for any form of art: Life + expansion of consciousness = art or old information + new information = evolution 

Price: 2.5 Million Euros. €



